Various Fileformats & Protocol Specifications

ADDEND.ZIP Unicode 1.0.1 Addendum
DBASEFIL.ZIP dBase III Database file structure
FFE200.ZIP File Formats Encyclopedia v2.0 A MUST HAVE for professional programmers! Over 300 formats layouts including: graphics, sound, animation, mods, database, text, executables, communication and much more!
FFMTS002.ZIP File formats Release #02 02/96 A documentation of over 100 file formats covering : Modules : (MOD,S3M,669,XM,etc.) Images : (GIF,LBM,IFF,PCX,etc.) Binaries: (COM,EXE,Windows,etc.) Archives: (ARJ,LHA,ZIP,etc.) Sound : (VOC,WAV,ZYX,.AU,etc.) DataBase: (DBF)
FORMAT.ZIP How to get informations about file formats
LXEXE.ZIP LX - Linear eXecutable Module Format Description
QWK_15.ZIP QWK Mail Packet File Layout

Graphics fileformats

3DS_08.ZIP 3d studio file format (3ds).
3DS2.ZIP 3D-Studio File Format (.3ds)
3DSTUFF.ZIP The unofficial 3dstudio 3ds file format
ANIM_CEL.ZIP ANIM An IFF Format For CEL Animations
ANIMFILE.ZIP DeluxePaint Animation ".ANM" fileformat
ANSI.ZIP Control sequences in ANSI (VT100) mode
AVI.ZIP AVI Graphics Format Overview
DMF_EFX.ZIP Delusion digital music effects (DMF) format
FACE.ZIP FaceSaver Format Revealed
FITS.ZIP FITS basics and information (Flexible Image Transport System)
FLI_FLC.ZIP Flic Files (.FLI) Format description
LANDSAT.ZIP EOSAT Landsat digital data info
MLI.ZIP 3D-Studio Material-Library File Format (.mli)
NAPLPS.ZIP This is a specification for the on-line graphics format known as naplps.
PDS_FORM.ZIP Overview of PDS Image Format
PGCSPEC.ZIP PGC Portfolio Graphics Compressed File Specification
PNG.ZIP Graphics community endorses a new file format (PNG)
PNG10F.ZIP PNG Graphics specs in Word-DOC format
PNGDOC96.ZIP Png (portable network graphics) specification version 0.96 This document describes PNG (Portable Network Graphics), an extensible file format for the lossless, portable, well-compressed storage of raster images. PNG provides a patent-free replacement for the GIF format and can also replace many common uses of TIFF format. Indexed-color, grayscale, and truecolor images are supported, plus an optional alpha channel. Sample depths range from 1 to 16 bits.
TURBO__1.ZIP Turbo silver RGB picture file format
TURBO__2.ZIP Description of Turbo Silver Object format
VBE20-11.ZIP Official VESA VBE 2.0 Specification (Replica Format)
VICAR2.ZIP VICAR format specs
VORTFILE.ZIP Vortfile fileformat A Very Ordinary raster file format library for the Very Ordinary Rendering Tool Kit.
VRML_1.ZIP The virtual reality modeling language version 1.0 Specification

Sound file formats

00README.ZIP The computer music file formats collection 1.0
AMM.ZIP AMM (Audio Manager Module) file format + converter
BPSM.ZIP Brian postma's soundmonitor module structure
D00FORMT.ZIP The d00 format explained This document describes the D00 music format (used by the AdLib player v4.01 coded by JCH/Vibrants) in more detail than the docs of EdLib (the respective tracker, also coded by JCH) do.
FAR_FORM.ZIP Farandole .FAR file (16 channel tracker) format
FH-MFDL.ZIP M.usic F.ormat D.escription L.ibrary, describes: MOD.TXT - Simple, basic format (31 instruments). From PCGPE 1.0. XM .TXT - Triton's eXtended module form. From FastTracker 2.04. S3M.TXT - Today's most actual format by FC. From ScreamTracker 3.21. MDL.TXT - Digitrakker MoDuLe by N-Factor. From Digitrakker 3.0. IT .TXT - Impulse Tracker format. From Impulse Tracker 2.01. ULT.TXT - UltraTracker 1.3-1.5 music form. From PCGPE 1.0 FNK.TXT - An unimportant format. From FunkTracker 1.08. DTM.TXT - Format used by DigiTrekker 3.0+ (not DigiTrakker). PAC.TXT - Used just by SB Studio II. From SB Studio II release 4. RAD.TXT - Adlib (OPL2) format from Reality. From RAD Tracker 1.0a. SA2.TXT - Another Adlib form by S!P. From SADt 2.0�. D00.TXT - Famous Adlib format by JCH/Vibrants. From EdLib v1.05a rev 055. EFF.TXT - Very good in
FH-MFDL2.ZIP MFDL (Music Format Description Library) v2.0 dmf.far.669.dtm ptm.ult.pac.fnk d00.rad.sa2
FTK_FORM.ZIP IBM "FastTracker" v 1.00 Music fileformat.
GENMIDI.ZIP Brief Overview of Proposed General MIDI Level 1 Spec
MED_EFX.ZIP MED - music editor specifications
MID_FORM.ZIP Standard MIDI File Format
MID_FRM3.ZIP Brief Overview of Proposed General MIDI Level 1 Spec
MIDISPEC.ZIP Midi ( musical instrument digital interface) specs
MIDISTUF.ZIP Docs on the midi format
MODFORM.ZIP The Amiga MOD Format
MTM_FORM.ZIP MultiTracker Module (MTM) format.
MUS_FORM.ZIP Mus file format
OKT_FORM.ZIP Oktalyzer format specs.
P16_FORM.ZIP Format of the protracker studio 16 (ps16) header
PSM-FORM.ZIP Protracker Studio Module Format Specification v1.00
S3M_FORM.ZIP Scream Tracker 3.20 File Formats And Mixing Info
SOUNDFMT.ZIP SOUND FILE FORMATS Covered in this document are: * RIFF (.WAV file format) * The .VOC file format (Creative Inc.) * The .MOD file format * Logarithmic Delta Compression * Notes on sampling frequencies
SSS_FORM.ZIP The studio session song file format (editor version 1.0)
STAR_FRM.ZIP Amiga "startrekker" mod format
TT_FORM.ZIP Take tracker file format
ULTFORM.ZIP Mysterious's ULTRA TRACKER File Format
WAVEFRON.ZIP Wavefront's File format